I'm really confused, friends. (Wait, don't let my vegan and vegetarian pals hear this one...)
I love meat. Love it. There is nothing more heavenly than a sizzling piece of filet mignon, seasoned to perfection, oozing its juices all over my plate.
But.....I just ate the green burger at Green and it was AMAZING. Like...I might have to go back tomorrow. I saw vegan chili fries on the menu. But I fear that if I return to this place I may have to move in permanently. (And I can't even begin to describe how divine the cookies 'n' cream tSoynami was. I'm going to try to go back there for breakfast and leave with just coffee. Try.)
But here's the thing: I don't know how to cook any of this!! Recently, I have been trying to cook more than I eat out, and that's been working out pretty well. But beef, chicken, fish, lamb even....that's easy. What am I supposed to do with oats and barley?!
I need your help, vegan friends. Please, flood me with your recipes and your tips. I can't promise that I'll give up my filet, but I can promise that I'll try to incorporate more vegan meals into my routine. That really was an amazing burger!